A Christmas message from my son
My dearest mum, Carmen
When you see the lights twinkle
Don’t let your heart darken
But feel my kisses sprinkle
You watch people smiling and always so grinning
Knowing one guy is never there present
Don’t miss me no more but feel our twinning
The love between us is surely incessant
Many meet and greet, a special time like this
Hugs, kisses, laughter and embraces
Dinners, parties, food and drinks
Have fun for me, I love celebrations
Love will never cease, will always grow
My presence with you will never withdraw
As long as you’re living, I’ll always be with you y’know
Your babies, mum, to you forever we’re drawn
Wishes now a-gone
Belief needs to be strong
Love binds us, never begone
Cheers to ya all!!!
Christmas 2019 –
One, two, three, four, five …
And, alas the years keep going by…