Imagine! … – Christmas 2016

Imagine! …

Soon Christmas lights again lit up
The darkness of the cold winter
Its radiancee, brightness try to warm me up
But it is so har for them to enter

My watery eyes shed endless tears
Yet looking up at the twinkling stars in affinity
as they enhance the skies that cheers
Humbled, I am sure you’re part of this eternal infinity

My ears now lack the harmony of symphony
Though as I watch the sky above, birds fly so high
so free, so wide and with their acoustic melody
Remind me that like them you’re chained no more, oh my!

I’ve now lost my taste, my appetite
You took away my life all bright
Still as my mouth is forced to chew
I wonder if you’re sharing my food too

My body’s slivered of your touch
My yearns fo you keep come and how
And as I go about my day hands clutch
You might be with me embraced right now

I know for sure my pain stays on
As long as I keep stumbling life’s stroll
Your life was short and aches a-gone
When mine do end, my soul is whole.

Christmas – 2016

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